News Report - 2017 |
Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Forty-One): Improving Trauma Care and Quality Assessment
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澳門健康管理及促進學會–2017健康講座系列(八) 更年期女性疾病認知及預防 及 中年女性體適能健康管理趨勢
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Bi~annual Sino Asia~Pacific Medical Forum & Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Forty): Innovation and Education in Sports Medicine
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澳門健康管理及促進學會–2017健康講座系列(七) 兒童視力認知及護眼教育 及 兒童體適能行為發展管理趨勢
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2017健康講座系列(六): 關節骨骼疼痛的處理 及 運動對骨骼的好處
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Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Thirty-Nine): Sustainable Development of Medical Tourism
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2017健康講座系列(五):產後媽媽復原方案 及 解構冷凍溶脂的秘密
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Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Thirty-Eight): Recent Advances in Biotechnology and Applications
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2017健康講座系列(四): 認識面部輪廓黃金比例 及 解構膠原增生皮膚填充劑
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2017健康講座系列(四): 認識面部輪廓黃金比例 及 解構膠原增生皮膚填充劑
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2017健康講座系列(三):內視鏡檢查的護理要點 及 做完哪?-麻醉藥物在內視鏡檢測的應用
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Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Thirty-Seven): Service Quality in Healthcare and Innovation
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Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Thirty-Six): Best Practice in Medical Education and Surgical Skills
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Sino-Luso International Medical Forum (Series Thirty-Five): Toxicology Forum - Protect Communities and Continue Safe Operations
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Intermediate USG Certificate Course in Urology
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